In the last few weeks we have seen an increase in the number of
frustrated folks who are talking about dumping their Nikon 35mm
equipment and moving to another brand "C".  I do not understand why
they are currently considering such a decision.  Two years ago  or
even one year ago I might understand better.  Nikon appeared to be
stuck in the mud, offering a very expensive F5, but missing things
such as silent wave motors in its smaller lenses, IC, multiple
focusing points in the less expensive bodies and so on.  

Today it would appear that the folks at Nikon have finally woke up. 
We have two very nice AF-S zoom lenses and some hope that more will be
coming.  We have the F100 which is a super camera body for Nikon
owners who have the need to upgrade but can't afford an F5.  We have
seen that Nikon appears to be seriously working  on a digital SLR body
that will be affordable.  And we have seen that Nikon has taken out
patents for a vibration reducing macro telephoto lens of some type.

Why dump your Nikon gear now when things begin to look promising,
after suffering all of these years?   It will be a costly move and
unless one has a good business reason to justify it, the costs must be
born on a personal level.  Sure, I would love to see some extension
rings that allow us to use autofocus and matrix metering and the
3Dfill flash.    

I am currently looking at buying into a modern  35mm system ( I have
an old brand X manual focus system curently) .  I was close to
purchasing another brand, but now I think I will wait and see what
Nikon does.  If 1999 offers as much promise as 1998 Nikon will be much
more competitive.  If not, then I can always spend my money a year
from now as easily as I do today.  

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