>   I hope all of you guys & gals are doing well. I don't mean to sound
> old-fashioned, but this whole digital fad seems to defeat the purpose of SLR
> cameras to me (...)  
> I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings whatsoever, but if you want so many
> digital things on your camera, why don't you go out and buy yourself a digital
> camera, instead of trying to transform SLR into digital cameras. 


the advantage of the Imagek stuff is that you don't have to convert your
SLR to digital, you can just plug a digital cartridge like any 35mm film
cartridge (if it ever works, of course). Digital does not replace films,
it compliments the traditional silver image. It has its applications.

I think this kind of stuff militates in favour of SLR cameras. The key
advantage of a SLR is flexibility (huge selection of lenses, films and
accesories), and this is yet another capability added. Nothing replaces
TTL viewing and you're always gonna get better pictures, more
confortably with a digital SLR than with a digital compact camera,
especially if you are doing macro, if you want to control DOF or

And, in a few years time, all digital cameras are outdated. With the
Imagek solution, only the sensor is.


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