There is absolutely No substitute for true 1:1 macro. I get to chase bears
with my 500 AF-S and have all kinds of fun with some really awesome
equipment, but the one thing that is always a treat and a true joy is my
relitively inexpensive, low tech 105 micro Nikkor. This lense really brings
me great pleasure. The micro world is so infinite that it is always ready,
calling to be photographed,and when it seems the that when there is nothing
to shoot today or the day is too overcast those are the perfect days to
have a nice micro lense. The micro world is a truely awesome world, a real
gem, may as well capture it with a gem. The 105 f2.8 Micro Nikkor is
without a doubt the finest micro lense available to photographers, and
while the new 200mm micro Nikkor is a great lense, it is not any where near
the lense that the 105 is. If you get one, I can guarantee a lifetime of
great pleasure, that this lense will bring you. Look at the macros on my
sight and then realize that these are low res. files, and they
still look good. You can see the Bumble bees proboscis going into the
flower. The original chrome is 100 times better than that JPG file. Trust
me, there is absolutely not another 35mm lense in existance that can
deliver a bright, high res image in which you can see that kind of fine
detail. The sigma, tameron , vivitar, tokina, canon, etc. etc. can't come
close. I've seen them all in action and the bees proboscis always seems to
fuzz into an unrecognizable blurb due to the lack of sharpness combined
with the light loss that ALL other macros suffer from. This lense is also
one of the better portrait lenses available as well. Hope this helps. Happy


Richard D. Scherrer

Northern Exposures Photography
Phone: (406) 837-6911

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