> > This is a nikon specific site, wish you would keep your canon
> propaganda
> >off here.
> >Canon owners are like religious zealots!  "Don't test the waters
> >of any
> >other god, you may discover something wrong with yours!"  [snip]
> >The EOS is cute, but I need metal.  That's the end of that!
> Posts of this nature strike me as being xenophobic and a little
> ridiculous too. Smacks of one religious zealot howling that the
> other guy's religion is a cult.
> While a Nikon user for more than 30 years, it has become
> increasingly clear to me that Canon is ahead in some particulars.
> I don't feel threatened by that fact at all, in fact commend C.
> for their pioneering work in a field such as IS. I also feel
> Nikon would do well to pick up the pace in introducing new
> technologies and widening their lens offerings. There are some
> glaring gaps. Competition of this nature is good for all in any
> event.
> I use Nikon . . . they don't own my soul . . . in fact they don't
> even own my affection. Given sufficient impetus, I will use Canon
> too, either AS WELL AS of, INSTEAD OF, Nikon. To do otherwise is
> to become a cult member of one camp or the other.
> - --
> Terence A. Danks
> Nova Scotia, Canada
> http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/danksta/home.htm

I wish the original sender of this message had a direct link to his mind , rather than 
to his a**
We are obviously in this list because we enjoy Nikon equipment, but, looking at other 
options as
photographers doesn't hurt.
I wonder If the original poster works for Saddam and his team of imbeciles...Fanatics 
are fanatics
no matter where...
Long live Nikon, but a democratic Nikon!

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