>> don't say anybody else's camera's are not 
        >> capable of producing good pictures. Every
        >> Nikon is, be it an F50 or F5 (there's only 
        >> one 0 difference there...)

        > I think the main issue is productivity.  
        > Because of a given camera's handling, ease 
        > of use, automation accuracy, etc. 

        I agree, I *want* almost every camera and lens 
        that I see.  My criterion for something is worth
        having is: "Can I think of a picture I've missed 
        in the last 3 months that this thing would have 
        made possible".  Yes? grab it.  No? then why do 
        I want it?

        It keeps me almost solvent.

        I used to be the opposite.  When I first started, 
        I was a manual exposure bigot -- I wanted nothing
        to do with any of that "point-and-shoot amateur crap".
        Then one day I tried to shoot a stock car race with 
        an FM, where in one direction I was shooting into the 
        sun and the track was shaded by the wall and the angle 
        of the track, and in the other the sun was to my back, 
        front-lighting the cars directly.  You know, when 
        something happens on a short track, you have zero 
        time to fiddle with the camera, you shoot right now 
        or you missed it.  


        Based on my unenviable results from that day I 
        came to the conclusion that deciding what equipment 
        I wanted based on my self-image and then trying to 
        bend it to the task at hand was not terribly smart.  
        So, I got an FE2.  It could get the exposure right
        in about 1/1000th the time that I could with the FM.

        I was the same way with autofocus.  I didn't buy
        an autofocus camera until last fall.  I'd missed 
        some pictures of my nieces and nephews running 
        around that I thought AF would have nailed.  
        So, I got an F5.  

        Still, I remain a manual-everything bigot at heart, 
        and suppose I always will.  When my F2S is enough to 
        do the job, I'll use it instead of my F5 every time.  
        *But* I'm no longer dumb enough to let that preference
        cost me pictures when the F2 *isn't* enough.


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