Hi everybody,

To cut a long story short: my F70 is c. 2.5 years old; always
suspected severe battery drain problem; returned to Nikon UK
about 1.5 years ago for service; made absolutely no difference;
returned again last September -- got camera back in late December!;
Nikon said they had replaced the entire insides of the camera;
since December I have used the batteries that were inside the
camera when they returned it; after just five rolls of 36 exposure
film, those batteries have now died!  Got on to local shop where
I bought the camera; person said the batteries returned by Nikon
may not have been new; he's going to post out a set of fresh
batteries and a film for me to just keep shooting until the
new batteries die, to see how many rolls I get to shoot (wish
my F70 had leave-leader-out option for this operation :-).

So, after that long intro, my question is: how many rolls of
36-exposure film can I expect a properly working F70 to shoot
before the batteries die?  I realise the figure will vary from
camera to camera, but I'm looking for an average.  I also realise
it depends on what AF lenses are being used, but I'm going to put
the camera in MF so the lenses don't add to the drain.  I'll shoot
at 1/125.  The only thing the batteries will have to do are:
illuminate the viewfinder and LCD displays, meter the scene, fire
the shutter and wind on the film.  I also realise that the batteries
will drain quicker from non-stop usage, but if things are going well,
I'll shoot no more that maybe five rolls in a row.  Then I'll let
the batteries rest until the next day and shoot five more rolls.
However, given my experiences with my F70, I won't get past eight
or so rolls.

This is a very serious problem for me, as in Ireland a pair of
CR123 lithiums cost approx Euro 18/ US$21!

So, all you F70 users out there, let me know how many rolls you
typcially get from a fresh set of brand-name lithiums.  If you
use the pop-up flash, please indicate what percentage of shots
this is used for; also say if you use MF or AF.

Thanks in advance to everybody who replies.


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