Hi Nikonites. Nicolas wrote:

>the advantage of the Imagek stuff is that you don't have to convert your
>SLR to digital, you can just plug a digital cartridge like any 35mm film
>cartridge (if it ever works, of course). Digital does not replace films,
>it compliments the traditional silver image. It has its applications.
>I think this kind of stuff militates in favour of SLR cameras. The key
>advantage of a SLR is flexibility (huge selection of lenses, films and
>accesories), and this is yet another capability added. Nothing replaces
>TTL viewing and you're always gonna get better pictures, more
>confortably with a digital SLR than with a digital compact camera,
>especially if you are doing macro, if you want to control DOF or
>And, in a few years time, all digital cameras are outdated. With the
>Imagek solution, only the sensor is.

That last para is the essence of it. I'm looking forward to experimenting
with my Fs, F2s and Leicas.

However, received wisdom in the Leica Users Group, to which I also
subscribe, is that these guys have been making noises about this wonderful
product for a long time, but have yet to demonstrate a working prototype.
'Vapourware' was another description.

I have dropped ImageK a line asking whether they're _really_ going to have
a viable product to market by June. So far no reply, but if I get one I'll
post it here.



Alex Hurst
Cork Florists
19 Winthrop St, Cork
Republic of Ireland
Tel: +353 21 270 907
Fax: +353 21 271 248
Website: http://www.flowerlink.com/corkflorists
Home website: http://homepages.iol.ie/~corkflor/

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