>> OB Nikon comment - if I were shooting weddings professionally
>> I wouldn't be using Nikon for my primary 35mm. AF, shutters,
>> film advance, rewind are all too noisy (the older manual stuff
>> is OK though). (Flame if you must)

Eric.. No offense but I'd have to disagree with you.
I've been successfully shooting wedding over the last 15 year exclusively
with 35mm.
Note that you do have to understand your target market and over this time
frame, I have only refused to do three weddings because of the enlargement
sizes the potential clients wanted. Most of my work these days comprises of
8x10's with only a few 11x14's. 35mm fits right in.
Granted, I'm using an F5 these days which is the quietest AF SLR I have ever
owned. My F90X worked fine, so did my previous Minolta Maxxum & MF gear. [if
you want load, try a Maxxum 9000 with a motor drive.] Also note that medium
format cameras do have loud shutters.

To the original poster: I must agree with most of the replies: Think
carefully. Set the expectations and know your equipment inside out. Know
what you are going to shoot and how. I have some information on my web page
re shooting weddings that you may be interested in. I've received a lot of
great feedback and it may be of help. Note that this is my style and it
works for me. other may disagree or ignore it.

If you do do it, Good Luck! if you know your equipment and what to shoot
when, 90% of a wedding shoot is psychology.
for information, tips and a wedding shoot guide, check out my web page:
http://www.interlog.com/~mvucinic/ and click on "Philosophy"


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