Stanley wrote in V4#261:
> Nikon appeared to be
> stuck in the mud, offering a very expensive F5, but missing things
> such as silent wave motors in its smaller lenses, IC, multiple
> focusing points in the less expensive bodies and so on.  
> Today it would appear that the folks at Nikon have finally woke up. 
> Why dump your Nikon gear now when things begin to look promising,
> after suffering all of these years? 

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE "dump" all your poor low technology Nikon
equipment on me.  I would be very happy to help you make space for those
nice new shiny AF-S lenses.  
Besides, I don't care how it may look mounting those pre-AI, AI and AIS
lenses on my F5... just care that staying with Nikon allows me to do
that! (yeah, yeah, I converted my F5 to accept pre-AI's)
I really don't think that I nor my images have "suffered" the 25 years I
stuck with Nikon.

happy shooting :)  Roland

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