>Subject: N70 and Aperture priority [v04.n262/11]
>Just want to make sure I'm doing this right...for the N70, to adjust
>aperture priority, you have to set it to A, unlock the lens' aperture ring,
>and rotate the aperture ring, correct?  If so, I'm wondering why they did
>that way, as I must admit it was nice being able to easily adjust it on the
>body of the Pentax ZX-50 the same way one adjusts the shutter speed.

You are correct. Why they did it that way I'm not sure, but its one of the
reasons I bought the N70 instead of a "C"  body.  I came from a Yashica FR1
that worked the apreature priority the same way.  It seems to make sense to
me to be able to move the aperature ring with one hand while the other hand
is on the body and depressing the shutter release to activate the meter and
focus.  I can also hit the AE lock with the other hand.

RStephen Winter

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