>  I've figured out how autobracketing works in
> either A, P, and S mode but does anybody know how or if it works in M mode.
> How does it work with the compensation dial also being used?

Chris, I don't have a F4 but a F601 where the autobracketing is

As far as I understand it, autobracketing and compensation are
incompatible with the manual mode. There is a technical problem: you
impose a speed and an aperture, what is the camera supposed to do if you
ask for a correction? Change speed (as in A mode), change aperture (as
in S mode) or both (as in P)?

If you still use them in M mode, the only thing that happens is that the
viewfinder exposure scale may be bracketed. I.e., the "correct" exposure
indication is shifted.

If what you want to do is to bracket around a couple of parameters you
want to impose yourself, there are two solutions:

- work in A, S or P mode and combine compensation (to set the wanted
central speed and aperture values) and autobracketing;
- work in M mode and bracket manually (I personally find this is simpler
and often faster, not to mention less error prone).

Hope this helps,


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