Hi to all

> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:59:21 +0800
> From: "Wei Kay, Darren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: F801s "freezing up" with use of speedlite [v04.n263/12]
> Message: 12
> What helps is to completely remove the flash unit form the hot shoe and
> attach it again. The display will clear and the camera starts working
> again. He noticed that this happens even with other non-dedicated flash
> units, not only the SB 28. Does anyone experience such a problem ? Is it
> due to the camera or the flash units ?

Yes, I sometimes observed the same behaviour with my F801s+Metz 32MZ.

> Any suggestions appreciated !

Me too!



 F. Javier Heredia                 :
 Statistics and Op. Research Dept. : e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya    : phone. : +34-3-401-73-35
 FME. Edifici U, Campus Sud        : FAX    : +34-3-401-58-55
 c. Pau Gargallo 5,                :
 08071 Barcelona. Spain            :

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