
I will likely be shooting a NASCAR stockcar autorace in the near future.
Most of the time will be spent just behind the pits.  I currently own a N70
with a 35-80 offbrand lens and a N 80-200 2.8D.  It has been suggested that
I'll need a second body with a wide angle lens for the race.

1st  question): What second body should I get?  I'm not a pro, but
appreciate the advantages of newer technology.  I could probably afford a
N90s or even stretch to get a F100, but I'm not sure what that will buy me.

2nd question):  What lens to get?  I've been planning to purchase a 20-35
zoom.  Maybe the Tokina.  The Nikon is out of reach.  But a friend suggested
that I just get a prime - 20, 22, 24?

I would appreciate any advice on a good wide angle setup from those of you
that have shot similar events.

Also, how does one handle two bodies, especially when one has the 80-200 2.8
on it?  That configuration is heavy enough by itself!


Dave Bloomquist

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