>The other thing is Imagek itself: They've been announcing the
>introduction of the EFS-1 on their website for how long? Half a year? A
>year? I tried contacting them for a couple of times, because I'd still
>like to have one of these thingies, if they either drop prices or
>increase resolution. Untill now not even a prototype has been available,
>as far as I know there hasn't been any test reports, either in magazines
>or on the Web. I volunteered to be one of the beta-testers for it ages
>ago and never even got a reaction.

They've benn promoting this product for close to three years.  When I
first got into photography and bought an F90x they were marketing this
thing and saying it would be out within a few months.  That was about
three years ago.  There is no product.  The little film canister is a
block of carved wood, as someone on the digest pointed out a month or so
ago. People keep "discovering" the Imagek product and bringing it up on
the digest, but it has been discussed, and debunked, before.  Unless
they've really gotten their act together, I'd be very surprised to ever
see a real product.

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