At 11:33 PM 2/19/99 -0700, Alan Unangst wrote:
>In Digest number 252 there was a post that described placing a filter on
>the HN-1 rather than in the lens and then placing the hood onto the lens
>directly. Well I received my "new" Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 (AIS), a HN-1 Lens
>hood and a Nikon  L37 UV filter. I have tried every way imaginable to place
>the filter on the hood and have had no success. How do you accomplish this


Whoever posted that info about the HN-1 front filter threads was full of sh*t.

Hey, wait -- that was MY post.  CRAP!

Actually, I could've SWORN that for YEARS I kept my filters screwed into
the front of my HN-1.  But I just looked at the thing, and it's not the
HN-1 at all that has the front threads!!  I'm really sorry.  It's actually
a Pentax hood that I've kept in my bag (I used Pentax before switching to
Nikon in the '80s) that has the front-mount threads. 

...they say the minds' the first thing to go...

My apologies for the inaccuracy.  However, as long as you're using a Nikon
L37 or L37c, there's no vignetting with the HN-1 on the 24mm f2.8.  I did
get vignetting once when I tried a Hoya filter with a *slightly* thicker
mounting ring and the HN-1, so there's not much tolerance there!  But it's
not a problem with the L37/HN-1 combo.

Sorry again if my post to the digest was misleading.  My apologies to
Michael Palmieri, who asked the original question, too.


Mark Peterson
Ames, Iowa, USA

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