You said
(it's sadly what afford right now...)
Then My suggestion would be go for the Sigma for now. You are not marrying
it, and can trade it in later when you can afford a better lense. The facts
1) It's at least as good a lense as the Nikon that you currently
have.(Quality wise)
2) It covers the range that you currently have, and then some, so you can
sell the nikon 35-80 to help pay for the new lense.
3)You will have a much more versitle lense with aproximately equil optics,
but a much greater range. You'll love that! You will have relitively wide,
relitively long and normal covered.Great choice for Morocco!!!
4)You will have those 2 invaluable extra stops, that you WILL notice and
5) One Versitle lense one body, make for a really nice travel outfit, (
Well throw in a flash and a circular polarizer and a skylight filter and
you are good to go.)
One more word of advise. Bring mailers so you can send film to prossors and
don't have to take exposed film through X-Ray machine at airport.It may
cost a little more but put only one roll per mailer so if a mailer is lost
you won't lose as much film. And have the return address your HOME address.
The other option is to have the film processed where you are if it is
possible and affordable.
Have fun!
Richard D. Scherrer

Northern Exposures Photography
Phone: (406) 837-6911

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