"The only problem that I have with canon is it is not the right tool for
any job, frankly."

Indeed?!  That must come as a terrible surprise to the thousands of
professionals who use Canon equipment.

"...their cameras have a reputation for not working very well."

Another terrible shock!  I have owned Canon, Nikon, Leica, Hasselblad, etc.
 They are all reliable.  It is possible for one type of equipment to be
reliable without denying the "right of reliability" to other brands.

 "canon only exists because of its zealots, who will buy any matter of junk
that canon throw out at there feet and says "take these idols and worship
them" because they know that they will.

Do you have any idea how "zealous" this sounds?

"FYI...the word canon means "religious order" or "ecclesiastical
law"...look it up!"

I did.  It also means "an accepted principle or rule" or "a criterion or
standard of judgment" or a body of principles, rules, standards or norms."
[Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary]  It is interesting that those
who try to support points of view with weak arguments often will quote out
of context in the hope that others will not challenge their brilliance.

By the way, I also looked up the word "zealot."  In addition to the
reference to the fanatical sect in Judea during the first century A. D.,
the word also means "a zealous person; esp: a fanatical partisan."  Hmmm,
who is the fanatic partisan here?  A Canon user or one who make the
statements quoted above?

I'm glad that people like this don't speak for all Nikon users.  I would
hate to think that the mere possession of a Nikon instrument could turn
anyone into such a fanatic.  As much as I like my Nikons, I would have to
sell them to avoid contamination.

Bill Cassing
Bill Cassing

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