David.Bloomquist wrote:
I will likely be shooting a NASCAR stockcar autorace in the near future.
Most of the time will be spent just behind the pits.  I currently own a
with a 35-80 offbrand lens and a N 80-200 2.8D.  It has been suggested
I'll need a second body with a wide angle lens for the race.

1st  question): What second body should I get?  I'm not a pro, but
appreciate the advantages of newer technology.  I could probably afford
N90s or even stretch to get a F100, but I'm not sure what that will buy

2nd question):  What lens to get?  I've been planning to purchase a
zoom.  Maybe the Tokina.  The Nikon is out of reach.  But a friend
that I just get a prime - 20, 22, 24?

I would appreciate any advice on a good wide angle setup from those of
that have shot similar events.

Also, how does one handle two bodies, especially when one has the 80-200
on it?  That configuration is heavy enough by itself!

I shot a NASCAR race last year from the infields.  This year I am
shooting it with better credentials so I will have access to the pits,
pit lane etc.  The telephoto will be used most.  You should even
consider a longer lens, like the Tokina 400/5.6.  Personally, I will use
my 80-200 with a TC-16A that gets me 320/4.5.  For wide, you would be
well served by a 20-35/2.8.  I have the Tokina and like it very much.
But, you won't do a whole lot of WA shots at a NASCAR event.  Mostly
just a few background shots.  Any WA will do for this.  The difference
between 20mm and 24mm won't be so important, because you will be able to
take a few steps back to make up the difference.  Last year I take the
20-35, however, his year I will take the new Nikkor 28-105 on a first
body and the 80-200 on a second body.  I will stick a 24/2.8 with a
polarizer in my pocket for WA shots.

I think it is best to have a second body which has identical user
interface to the first.  So a second N70 would be good.  However, I can
understand your desire to move up to a 90 or 100, and that may be more
important to you in the long run than keeping an identical user

The 90 is an excellent camera for a NASCAR event.  The wide AF sensor
combined with predictive AF and high firing rate allows you to track
cars pushing 200 MPH and get in-focus shots most of the time (90% or
so).  However, the 90 is going to force you to center the object in
every frame.  The 100, with its selectable AF points, will allow you to
be more creative with composition.  Therefore, it may be the better

Regardless of your choice, you will have a blast!  Bring plenty of film.
I suggest slide film.  Personally, I like E100SW for it its enhanced
saturation and warmer tones at a NASCAR event.  Takes great car shots
and people shots and punches up the colors, which are in abundance at
such an event.

Dan Brown
Fort Worth, TX

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