
While there were problems with the F5 draining batteries when it was first
released, that problem has apparently been fixed--and even where it
occurred, it applied to alkaline batteries and not to lithium AAs.  Your
problem, though, may be due to circumstances of use rather than a problem
with the camera.  Have you been using it at very low temperatures, and/or
with heavy lenses such as the one-ring 80-200 F2.8 AF or the 300mm. F4 AF?
Have you spent a lot of time focusing without actually shooting?  All of
these things may affect your mileage.

I've found that I normally get about 50-60 rolls per set of lithium AAs;
but this can be significantly reduced if, for example, I am extensively
using my 300mm. F4, which takes a great deal of torque when used on AF.
AFAIK, even Nikon no longer claims 250 rolls per battery set, but more
like 90.

Hope this helps,

Richard Mendales
University of Miami

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