
Please excuse the off-topic nature of this question, but I'm sure
someone here will up to speed on this question:

I've shot a roll or two of T-Max B/W neg film, and there's only one lab
in Toronto that processes it in T-Max-specific chemicals and equipment.
I've had them do the job before, and their work is first-rate - but
they're quite out-of-the-way. Now, I'm told that T-Max can be processed
in more conventional B/W chemistry and without special equipment, but
that the very best results will be obtained with T-Max specific
chemistry and equipment.

So ... how valid is this advice? I've never had T-Max processed by the
"conventional" route so I have no standard of comparison. Is there much
of a visible difference between the results achieved by the differing
methods? Or are the differences negligible? I doubt that any of these
shots are going to end up as enlargements any bigger than 8x10, so does
it really matter?

(Just a plug for Silver Shack, the Toronto-area firm that does the T-Max
work - they really do an excellent job, and they're the only place
around to get Cibachromes done, and they do a stupendous job on the
latter. But their location is inconvenient ... sigh.)

Thanks in advance for any advice!

David Basskin
Toronto, Canada

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