Forgive any lapses of protocol, please; I've read the Nikon list for about
a year, but never posted.  Now I need help.

I've got an FM with MD-12 which I bought used about five years ago.  It's
been in a Halliburton case for about six months because I was distracted
from photography and it is the backup camera.  I went to use it the other
day and found that in particular with the f/2.0 85mm Nikkor the meter was
totally wacky, pegged on the "+" LED.  I tried other lenses and get some
movement of the meter, but the response is f-stops wide, i.e., speed 100
f/5.6 and speed 100 f/11 both are OK.  The response seems proportionate
when the shutter speed knob is used to change things.  If I point at dark
areas, the meter comes down, but the exposure is still unreasonable.

I've tried 1.) Remove the MD-12
            2.)Replace batteries in FM twice
            3.)Compare indicated exposures to my Lunapro (massive differences)
            4.)Check shutter/iris action (OK)
            5.)Use the Lunapro and shoot a test film (in progress) ignoring the

Any suggestions, or is this a good time to start using the Lunapro?  I
can't even afford a repair estimate at this point, I'm afraid.

Thanks in advance,


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