I'm very sorry to waste bandwidth with this but this is my last post to the
list if things don't change soon...

Michel Fortier
>I should probably introduce myself first before opening pandora's box.  My
>name is Michel Fortier and I've recently switched to Nikon pro gear from
>Canon.  I'm a staff photographer at the Naples Daily News in Florida.  Now
>before you chalk one up for Nikon, I was forced to switch to Canon and
>would have done so on my own.  I've joined the list to learn more of the
>intricate details and how to get the most out of my Nikon gear.

[snip extensive Nikon bashing]

Mr Fortier,
I most certainly DO NOT welcome another whiner to the Nikon list...and I
hope other regulars feel the same.

I'd like to ask you and the other posters of USELESS information why you'd
imagine getting cooperation in your quest to learn about Nikon gear after
wasting our time with your whining.  None of your recent posts had any
constructive information for the Nikon users subscribed to this list hoping
to get some insight into their Nikon gear.... from your writing, I'd guess
that Nikon will never catch up to Canon - at least in YOUR opinion....

The noise level here is really getting very close to making the list more
trouble than it is worth to siphon off anything useful that accidentally
slipped in between the Canon and other non-Nikon posts.

PLEASE email me OFF LIST if you'd like to discuss non-Nikon issues.

Done venting now,
Jeff Kelley
V.P. Engineering
The Paradigm Group, Inc

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