Tom Anderson asked in Nikon Digest [v04.n266/17]:
>snip.. I already have a Nikkor micro 55mm 2.8 AIS and am considering
purchasing >an AF macro either/or the 60mm AF or the 105 2.8D AF.

If you are happy with the 55mm/2.8 AIS why bother changing? Auto Focus
isn't really necessary for close up photography. The main reason to change
would be that the 2 AF lenses will focus to 1:1 as opposed to 1:2 that the
55mm will do. I believe the 55mm/2.8 AIS has a 52mm filter thread as does
the 105mm/2.8AF Micro so that may have some bearing on what you do (the
60mm/2.8 has a 62mm filter thread) Personally I have a Nikkor 55mm/2.8 AF
and a Tamron 90mm/2.5 MF and both work very well for me.

>Also has anyone used the Nikkor 20mm D lens? Any distortion?

I have this lens and it is a superb lens. I have shot more photos with this
lens than I ever thought I would. As far as distortion is concerned, well
as with any ultra wide angle (Nikon's classification not mine) lens you
have to be careful. I use mine for a lot of architectural photography so
you have to be very aware of converging lines, not tilting it up, keeping
the horizon level etc. IMHO it is a terrific lens. I used this lens almost
exclusively when I photographed a turn of the century house for a magazine.
The photos turned out very well.
Brian Hondo asked about: 50mm f1.4 AF [v04.n264/7]
>I would appreciate a few responses from folks giving their opinions of the
Nikon >50mm f1.4 AF lens - non D. Is it still sharp when shot wide open?

I have both the 50mm/1.8 AF and the 50mm/1.4 AI lenses. I haven't made any
side by side comparisons personally so I can only speak form myself, but
over the years the discussion on this list has generally sided with the 1.8
version being the sharper of the 2 lenses. This also seems to hold true for
the 85/1.4 vs. 85/1.8 debate, with the 1.8 being sharper. I'm sure that you
will get other opinions though.
Martin Schmelzer asked about: Tele 400mm ( maybe Sigma ) [v04.n264/9]
>i am looking for information on the Sigma(s) 400mm f5,6, regarding the
optical >quality.

I personally own the Sigma 400/5.6 APO AF, it is about 3 years old. This
would be the "second" generation of this lens. It's an APO lens but not the
macro version. IMO, for the money and the amount that I use it, the Sigma
is a great lens. It is sharp and contrasty and it works well on my F90X and
F601 bodies. I just got back some photos today using that lens on my
FE/MD-12 combo, to be honest this is not a great lens to use manually. The
focus ring is extremely loose and is difficult to operate on a manual
camera (IMO anyway). Being a windsurfer myself, I shoot all my buddies
sailing and I have some great slides of them taken with this lens.

   seems to be well made (bear in mind I don't use it a lot)
   fairly lightweight
   comes with a nice case and built in lens hood
   has a tripod collar
   72mm front end

   slow (f 5.6)
   some list members have complained about the construction

These are just my thoughts, yours may vary. If you have any questions feel
free to email me.

Terry J. Graham -  Freelance Photographer
Graham Fine Art Photography
Telphone (306) 789-8976,

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