
        I process and print my all of my own images here in toronto. i work only in 
35mm b&w, and i have experimented with many different film/developer combinations.   I 
say this to you just because that i have shot, developed, and printed tmx(100) and 
tmy(400) and the difference of developer and processing equipment is minimal to say 
the least.  Supposedly, the t-max developer gives higher contrast, but I have yet to 
see any proof of this.  In fact, I have achieved denser, higher contrast negs with 
both tmx and tmy by developing them in D-76 (also a kodak developer, considerably 
older though). 
        Are you shooting tmx or tmy?  just as an aside, i have had nothing but lousy 
negs with tmy.  i've tried many different developers, but tmy still seems to give me 
negs which tend to be thinner then with other 
400 asa films using a given developer.  But tmx looks fantastic!  _Great_shadow 
separation and resolution. I digress....
        Don't be so convinced that you need specific t-max equipment and chemestry; it 
is simply not the case.  And if convenience is a prime concern, why not process your 
own negs at home?  No darkroom needed: just a light-tight bag to load your developing 
tank, and the chemestry and graduated cylinders, of course.

good luck
joshua allen

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