Hello fellow Nikoneers,

I spent a lot of time debating what I should do for a Mid range Zoom.  I 
am a wedding/Event photographer. I shoot the majority of my weddings 
with an F5, supplemented  with a Mamiya 645 as needed for enlargements.  
In the past I’ve used only primes other than the Nikon 80-200 2.8 mainly 
because I have to have sharp images to be able to get a sellable 11x14+ 
image out of 35mm film @ ISO 400.  I don’t care for the one touch 
zoom/focus ring design, and also wanted something wider than 35mm on the 
wide end so that did away with the Nikon 35-70 2.8 for me.  Then I 
considered the New Nikon 28-70 2.8S, which I’m sure will be a beauty of 
a lens, but I have no real need for "S" technology for my style of 
shooting, and wow what a price.  So, that’s when the real quest began.  
I have always been somewhat of a Nikon snob. You know the type, "Why buy 
a Nikon camera and put a 3rd party lens on it?".  But, about 1.5~2 years 
ago I bought a Tamron SP 90mm 2.8 Macro lens that, by the way, is such 
an excellent portrait and macro lens, I sold my Nikon 105 2.8 Micro.  
Anyway, back to the story at hand.  After much research and 
deliberation, I just received (Wed) my shiny new Tokina 28-70 Zoom.  I 
don’t have the film back yet so, I cannot comment on the optical quality 
yet, but I was inspired to write this simply because of  its build 
quality.  It has the Nikon-like crinkle finish, an all metal body, and 
feels quite balanced on my F5.
What impressed me more than anything else was the way it felt when 
manual focusing.  It truly feels like a manual focus lens, not "loose" 
like all the other AF lenses I’ve shot in manual focus mode.  I believe 
this is achieved by the AF/MF clutch system they use.  In conclusion, I 
guess only time will tell the true build quality of this lens, but my 
initial observation is that this is a mechanically a "Pro" caliber lens, 
and that Tokina has done a Stand-Up job on this lens.  I’ll try to post 
more soon with observations on the optical quality of this lens.  If it 
turns out that the Optical quality of this lens is up to par with the 
build quality, IMO this is a great alternative to the new Nikon 28-70 
2.8S, that is, if you don’t need a Silent wave motor.

Happy Shooting,

Wayne Jordan
Jordan’s Photography
Trussville, AL  USA
Psalm 8:3~4

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