I'm about to make a once in a lifetime purchase of a long Nikkor
telephoto. Before making the wrong choice I would like some
opinions from experienced members of this group.

I have narrowed my choices down to the 400 f2.8 AF-S and 500 f4
AF-S. The primary use will be for wildlife, from birds up to
large mammals. I will also purchase at least the TC-14E and maybe
the TC-20E. Some of the pros and cons I see are: The 400 is one
stop faster and focuses much closer. It is heavier, however, the
500 is 8 pounds. Not sure how much difference the weight will be
when it's already this heavy. The 500 has the extra length and
gets all the way to 700 with the TC-14E. I'd rather not have to
use the TC-20E since I've never seen a 2x extender that had very
high quality.

Any other aspects I should be considering about these lenses?
Anyone have experience shooting with both? Any optical quality
difference? Is the TC-20E better than I am assuming? Which would
you purchase? The price is pretty much the same for both.

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