Nicolas Eertmans wrote:

>I still have some questions:

>- - what are the aperture lock and speed lock displays for (the 'L'
>displayed on the LCD next to the aperture/speed value)? To what feature
>do they relate?

The L locks the aperture in aperture priority via sub-command dial.
It locks the shutter in shutter priority via the command dial.  It lock 
both aperture and/or shutter in manual via both command dials as
above.  It doesn't do anything in program mode.

>- - Is the aperture value still displayed on the LCD when using the
>aperture ring on the lens (and setting the CF correctly)? I hope so...

YES!  The F100 does, the F5 does not (it only has ADR).


Art Searle, W2NRA, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lake Grove, Long Island, NY, USA
20 miles east of Nikon USA     

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