
I broke down and got the 80-200AFS yesterday.  I saw three of them at this
one store.  one has a scratch on the front element, another had SERIOUS
brassing at the lens mount (their demo model and a thirds had one (1) teeny
piece of dust on a middle element, I went for #3.

The hoos is fantastic, perfect.  Literally.  It is a "perfect" hood.  That
means it is not rounded, but has extra flanges to add more protection.  The
entire contraption is HUGE.

But it works with the AFS TCs so I have an advantage there.  I offered my
old 2 touch 80-200 and shade for sale and it was snapped up in no time.
Great deal.

The F-100 is still unimpressive IMHO.

Robert in Redlands

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