A friend is selling a couple of bodies:  an FM and an F3.  I have been
offered either, or both, at attractive prices.

The FM has a new shutter; the F3 is non-HP.  Both are in good condition.

I already own an F90, F601 and Nikkormat FTn.  I would likely keep all
three bodies.

My logic:

In favour of the FM:  The Nikkormat is inconvenient to use with AF
lenses since I must use stop-down mode; the camera uses obsolete
batteries (although I have several in the fridge), and the meter will
eventually fail.  The FM is a lot smaller, a lot more reliable and
functions normally with all my lenses.  I would need to spend money to
be able to use a flash with the F3.

In favour of the F3:  I really want to own an F-series body :), it's
got aperture priority, it's built like a tank and will outlast me.

I can easily afford the FM; the F3 would be at a price that is
extremely attractive, although higher.

What would your advice be?

I mostly shoot landscapes and scenics, some action work (use my F90
for that).  I live in a harsh climate.


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