> Today I was shopping for a used FM2n . . . . and 
        > found of all things a F4e. . . .
        > So, now I curious about it an would like to 
        > ask you all for your experiances with this 
        > body - did you like it ?  

        Yes I do.  The F5's meter is much better, and it's AF is a
        bit better, but other than that the F4's just as capable in
        my opinion.

        > I really like to use MF lenses, so is it any 
        > good to use with these ?  

        Yeah.  That's the thing I like about it.  It was released when
        Nikon really wasn't sure if pros would switch to autofocus
        so they made it to work well with the manual lenses.

        > What features do I lose?  Matrix metering I 
        > supose ?

        You lose shutter-priority and program exposure modes
        with any MF lens.  Matrix metering works with AI-S lenses
        but not with non-AI lenses.  I don't know about AI lenses,
        the only one I have left is a 50mm/f1.4 and I don't use it
        much.  I've never had it on the F4.

        > I'd be really thankful for a few comments from 
        > people who have used it(and it is a bit on the 
        > expensive side, isn't it ?)

        A bit.

        > BTW: How do you rate the f/2.5 105mm AI(S) ???

        It's like Mary Poppins -- practically perfect in every way.

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