Fellow Nikon users:

If anyone is interested in an F5 Anniversary edition, I happened upon
a store in Miami on Sunday that looked like they have two in stock.

The store is:

Pitman Photo Supply
8650 SW. 132nd Street
Miami, FL  33156-6507

Fax: 800-835-3995

I did not inquire as to price. Quite a nice store, large stock of
Nikon and Canon Equipment, good prices, though not as good as New


On another Nikon related topic, my wife and I drove around the South
Beach area for a while on Saturday morning, between 9:30 AM and 10:30
AM. South beach is THE HOT SPOT in the US for fashion photography
these days, because of the architecture (mostly art deco) and the
'quality of the light' that the area has.

Without actually going to the beach, we saw four fashion shoots going
on. They were easy to spot, as a large RV (recreational vehicle)
accompanies each one, as a changing room for the model. Each shoot had
4-6 people working (model, photographer, and people like assistants,
stylists, etc.) I hate to think how many shoots take place early
morning, when the light is better.

Of the four I saw, two were using Nikon's, one was using a Pentax 645,
and I did not get close enough to see what the other was using, but I
do not believe it was Canon (due to the lens color).

Personally, I think that Canon has an advantage at present for sports
photographers. This advantage is because of their large line of USM
lenses. While sports photographers are some of the most visible, many
more pros work in in fashion, portraiture, wedding, commercial, news,
industrial, still life, etc., etc., etc. than in sports. And I believe
that most of these use Nikon. My experience this weekend certainly
reinforces this. The official photographer shot the wedding on a pair
on F3's.


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