
I don't see any noticeable vignetting through my viewfinder at 105, at any
distance (including close macro), with or without a filter.  You may have a
bad sample.  You may also have a bad test -- try actually shooting some

First of all, my viewfinder is only 96%, so I may be missing some dark
corners.  Second, there is some vignetting inherent to the viewfinder/focus
screen, which may be dependent on your exact angle of view.  Only the slide
test will tell you for sure, unless it is so bad that you must have a bad

FWIW, my first three rolls (all prints, so far) with this lens all look
great, with no signs of any serious flaws.  The zoom range, reasonable
speed, small size and weight, and close focus ability make this an excellent
"normal" lens for me.  The only peculiarity is that the minimum focus
distance is so close to the front of the lens that the hood (if I can ever
get one!) may well block out the ambient light.


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