> A friend is selling a couple of bodies:  an 
        > FM and an F3.  I have been offered either, or 
        > both, at attractive prices.

        A friend would probably let you borrow both of 
        them to shoot a couple of rolls of film so you 
        can see which feels most comfortable for you, 
        don't you think?  I think that would probably
        be the deciding factor for me.

        > The FM has a new shutter; the F3 is non-HP.  
        > Both are in good condition.

        New shutter?  How new?  Can you still get those 
        worked on?  The shutter in my old FM (my first 
        real camera) recently started hanging up -- I 
        thought it was just a paperweight now.  I want 
        to get it fixed if I still can.  

        > What would your advice be?

        You can't go wrong either way.  They're both great 
        cameras, and you already know what the differences 
        are.  You just have to decide whether aperture 
        priority and the slightly better build quality of 
        the F3 are worth more to you than whatever else you 
        might buy with the difference in price.

        > I mostly shoot landscapes and scenics, some 
        > action work (use my F90 for that).  I live 
        > in a harsh climate.

        If harsh means rainy or dusty/sandy, the F3 will 
        be a bit better than the FM.  If it means cold, 
        the FM (No batteries? -- No problem!) would be 
        better than the F3.  


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