When I made my shift from MF cameras to AF, I tried to learn
everything about the four main camera manufacturers whic offered AF
cameras.  I studied all, Canon, Minolta, Nikon, and Pentax.  Of all
the four I narrowed it down to three then two.  I ended up deciding
between Nikon and Canon.  

Why these two?  Because I felt that these two are the most widely used
cameras and that service or parts or accessories will have better
availability. In terms of professional performance these two were
clearly ahead of the other brands. Nikon was hot because of its 3D
Matrix Metering, Canon because of its USM lenses. Both proved to be
fast performers but I could not afford to have both.  

So, I made my choice.  Out of practicality, I got the Nikon.  There
are loads of Nikon stuff around here in the Philippines which can
still be used with the AF Nikons.  These are mainly older lenses, MF
and AF. Service seemed reaily available too.  The cameras seemed to be
similar in layout as the manual cameras, having the aperture ring on
the lens and the shutter speed dial on top near the thumb.  Even if
you own an FM2 there will be no confusion when shifting to an AF
Nikon.  In other words, I found Nikon's layout to be more logical than
Canon's... that is because I got used to the Nikon style arrangement.
Nikon's new arrangement though, with the addition of the sub-command
dial is a welcome improvement.

I am happy with my choice, and that is what is important.  I think
other people too have their reasons as to why they chose Nikon.  And I
hope they did not blindly choose this brand.

If there are things, even very small things that might need
improvement, I think it should be discussed here ...and hopefully
Nikon listens.

By the way, how many of you are amateurs and how many of you are
professional photogs?

Happy shooting

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