Oh, dear - you had a chance to buy a 15/3.5 and you passed it up? Was it
a used one? If so, and you're even halfway interested, GO BUY IT. Just
do it. You won't ever regret it if you're a superwide fanatic. (I mean,
fanatic about pictures with superwide lenses ... you may *personally* be
superwide, but I have nothing in particular to say on that subject.)

Last December, I was trolling for used Nikkors in a somewhat
out-of-the-way camera store, the north Toronto branch of Alt Camera, a
major dealer whose main outlet is located in the Church/Queen area. I
saw the usual run-of-the-mill 50/1.8's and 35/2.8's and such and then,
to my complete astonishment, a gorgeous, EX+++ (maybe mint, depending on
your standards) 15/3.5, complete with case and filters. It wasn't cheap
(boy, it wasn't cheap) but it was a good deal less than a new one.

I'd never even *seen* the 15 outside of the literature. It's not, let's
face it, a product that many dealers would carry. It wouldn't end up on
the shelf with the other demos, since the huge globe-like front element
is an inviting target for in-store disasters. And it's not likely that
anyone who's bought this product would be interested in getting rid of
it; my guess is that it was an estate sale.

So ... I took a deep breath, drew the Visa out of the wallet and went
for it. And I haven't regretted it. I took some wonderful pictures in
Paris, including a fairly dramatic one of the interior of the new No. 14
subway line at the Madeline station. I'll email you a scan of the neg so
you can see it for yourself. (And to anyone else who'd like to see it,
drop me an email.)

It takes some time to get used to the incredible width and distortions
of this lens; not every subject benefits from it, but when you want to
get a really inclusive shot of an enclosed area, I've never used
anything like it.

As for the lens cap ... well, mine fits on very tightly. There's
absolutely no chance of it coming off by itself. The polarizer? Well,
you've got a point there but it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of this

So please excuse the ravings of a madman ... but the 15/3.5 really *is*
worth it.

David A. Basskin
Toronto, Canada

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