This e-mail that Moose wrote, was it recent? If so it is easy for Moose
to rip into the N90s as the 100 is out to replace it, so it will not
affect Nikon sales. Why did he not do this years back? Maybe because
Nikon is one of his biggest clients and they would of dropped him. Just
food for thought. Personally I am leary on any product endorsed by a
pro. They get paid for endorsing these products. I would rather hear
what people on this forum have to say as it comes from experience.
I have a F90x and think it is a great camera except for no mirror lock
up and it is cumbersome to hold. One other thing is that it's manual and
the manual for the SB28 could have been made easier to understand for us
dinosaurs. Have a great spring if it ever arrives.  Brian

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