I read the latest copy of the UK magazine Photo Technique, which had a
comparison between the Dynax 9, EOS 3 and F100 based on test shots.

Their preference:
1. Dynax 9
2. F100
3. EOS 3

with the EOS 3 coming up last mainly because of underexposure problems.

Would this kind of contradictory result be due to sample variation, what do
you think?

Rick Garrelfs

> Cons:
> (a) Doesn't like control layout; will take time to master.
> (b) Found defects in matrix metering system: while perfect
>     for most situations, performed badly (underexposure by more
>     than one stop) with backlit subjects.  Also, some
>     general scenes were underexposed by around 1/3 stop.
> (c) Five point AF not as sophisticated as 45 point system in
>     EOS 3.
> (d) EOS 3 is easier to use.
> (e) EOS 3 had faultless metering, so F100 fell down against it.
> Final sentence in article: "If you want the best, check out the
> Canon [EOS 3]".
> Bye,
> Mike
> www.NetworX.ie
> - ---

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