A lot of very good advice has been posted in reply to your query. 
I believe it's important to remember that wedding photography is one
of the most stressful assignments one can undertake. For many shots,
you get one chance (Count 'em - ONE!) Unless you have significant
experience shooting weddings, you'll be suprised, and caught looking,
not ready for the shot.

Wedding photography is WORK, not play and it's folly, in my opinion,
to try to combine them both.

I strongly agree with the recommendation that the bride hire a
pro...and that you fill in with the clever, intimate shots the pro may
be just too busy to do. Lacking experience, you will work better under
much less pressure. Remember, if you get one or two outstanding shots,
your friends will think you're a whiz! They'll say something like "Why
didn't our regular photographer get this shot?"

If you REALLY want to get into wedding photography, work as an
assistant or second cameraman for a pro studio. (Maybe for free to get
experience?) Assisting at four weddings will give you more experience
than you will believe!

Good luck!


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