I saw Alex' posting on the F5 and it's battery usage, and thought
someone would find interesting to read the same for the F70.

These values are not to be taken very seriously, because I measured them
quickly at home, but the real ones are probably not too far off:

On without metering: 0 mA (just a few ľA)
On with metering on: 150 mA
AF operation: 800 mA peak
Release & advance frame: 930 mA peak
Film rewind: 350 mA
Bulb: 240 mA
Flash charging: 1000 mA peak

Please note that peak values are only peak values. This means, for
example, that the camera doesn't take 1000 mA during the whole time the
flash is being charged. (In this particular case, it's only at the
beginning and decreases exponentially because there's a capacitor 
involved.) Bulb is supposed to mean "during a long exposure" or, in
other words, the current needed to keep the shutter opened, the mirror
locked up, and the lens stopped down. To me, it doesn't seem to be that
much, so I don't really understand why Nikon didn't include an
electronic DOF-preview, other than for marketing reasons. One more
button near the lens mount and reprogramming the computer wouldn't cost
that much.

Personally, I would like to see the values for other cameras in the
Nikon line. So if you have a multimeter at hand, please let us now. 


PD: If you don't have experience with measuring, please refrain from
doing it. And just in case: I'm NOT RESPONSIBLE for your camera melting
or your batteries exploding in your face ;-) You've been warned.

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