My father just gave me he Nikkormat FTN, 35/2, 50/2 and a soligor
135/2.8.   This is great but the meter does not work in the camera
as the battery is dead.   If someone could tell me what kind of
battery I need and where I could find one that would be great.

Jim said:

You need a PX625 battery.

Problem:  these are no longer legally available in the U.S. or many
other countries.


1)  Use an alkaline PX625A battery.  DON'T DO THIS.  The Nikkormat
meter needs the constant voltage that mercuric oxide batteries (such
as the PX625 :) ) provide.  Alkaline battery voltage declines with age
so even if you compensate, the compensation will change as the battery

2)  Buy real PX625s from overseas.  They were available in Canada not
all that long ago.  I understand they are still sold in Europe.  This
is the best solution.

3)  Buy WeinCell substitute batteries.  These are zinc/air batteries
that will last nearly forever in storage, but have a relatively short
life once activated (depends on your humidity; they last longer in
moist climates).

4)  Buy a battery converter.  There is one available (you should be
able to find it by doing a search at http://www.dejanews.com ) that
will allow you to use readily available silver oxide batteries.  The
converter is expensive but you only need to buy it once.

One thing to note:  Nikkormat meters (and those of the older Nikon F
and F2 meter heads) are notorious for failing at the ages that they
are now, because the variable ring resistor used in their design has a
finite life.  The part is no longer manufactured.  You may want to buy
/ borrow a battery to make sure your meter works before you spend
money on a battery converter or mail ordering a large supply of
mercuric oxide batteries.

All this advice applies to the Nikkormat FT and the Nikon F Photomic
meter heads (I'm not sure about the F2 Photomic heads).  The FT2 and
FT3 use silver oxide batteries which are still sold.

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