You may want to look into a belt system, if it would be comfortable to wear
with your pack.
My idea would be to replace the fanny pack with the belt system.
Lowepro makes a belt system with a vest called Street and Field. There's a
smaller company called Kinesis Gear which makes a very nice system as well.
You can see their stuff at
Kinesis stuff can be ordered directly through them, or one place I know that
carries it is Kirk Enterprises (the ballhead people).

Eric Edelman

>My favorite activity is taking my Nikon gear hiking. ...... My
>12-year-old son, however, thinks that a hike isn't really a hike unless
>it includes scrambling up rocks and steep climbs.  I'm still agile
>enough to go with him, but the problem is that camera swinging from my
>neck.  Too many times I've come close to bashing a Nikon's brains in
>against a rock, so I need a solution. ..... I'm considering a bag like the
Lowepro Topload AW or
>the Tenba Zoom LZ.  Each of these is designed to hold an SLR with long
>lens (e.g., 80-200 f/2.8) pointing downwards and comes with a chest
>harness so that in can be worn in the front.  This would keep my camera
>in an almost at-the-ready position while keeping it from swinging and
>providing some protection.
>Has anyone tried this?  Any other suggestions?

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