>From Practical Photography

(c) Five point AF not as sophisticated as 45 point system in
    EOS 3.

Reviewers show that they get it wrong quite often, how can he say that the
EOS3 af is more sofisticated?
The only advantage it shows is number of focus points, it has a simular
It falls short of the F100 when using f4 lenses or slower and from early
reports it has less sofisticated tracking abilities. It also is less
sensitive in low light like all the Canons.
But because it has more af zones at F2.8 it is more sofisticated????????
I believe if the F100 came out with 50 af zones but no advancement in af
ability then this reviewer would have been impressed??

(e) EOS 3 had faultless metering, so F100 fell down against it

I find this hard to believe and it goes against other reports, not to say
that the canon isnt good, but Nikon's metering is very proven. He can only
say the EOS was better if he shot the camera's side by side over a larger
range of subject matter, not just a roll of test film shot with each camera
a different times.

Unfortuanaly the EOS is the winner on these last two points which is sad as
these sort of Inept findings can sway a lot of potential consumers.


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