Hi guys,

Alfredo from Chile asked how the DOF preview functioned when all he could
see was the darkening of the viewfinder. Well, Alfredo, you're not the only
one to think that there must've been something wrong with your eyes. I just
found out how to use the DOF preview myself, last month!
Try this out:
Set your aperture to the smallest value (probably f/22) and focus on a
nearby object. Depress the DOF button and you will see that the background
(behind the nearby object) is still focused. Now set your aperture to its
widest value and refocus on the same nearby object. As you depress the DOF
button, carefully watch the background which was sharp when you had your
apeture at f/22.You will now see it quite blurred. That's the difference
you're looking for. Hope this helped!


miguel n. nacianceno

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