Dear Friends

I have the following problem and hope that one of you can offer a solution. 

I use a Nikkor 24-50 AFD lens and often shoot by setting the lens at hyper
focal length (let me abbreviate it as HFL). I have a small sticker with
hyper focal lengths for different apertures and 24, 28 and 35 mm focal
lengths that I stick to the back of the camera. To set the lens at HFL I set
the focusing to manual and depending on the focal length and aperture I use,
I read off the HFL from the sticker and set the focusing ring to that
distance. Now comes the problem when I use a polarizer (Tiffen brand). After
I set the HFL on the lens if, if I try to rotate the polarizer, while
looking through the viewfinder, the focusing ring also rotates as it is very
under-damped (like that of any AF lens), thus changing the HFL that I had
set.  Of course there is no way I adjust the polarizer before I set the HFL
since the focusing ring has to be rotated to the HFL after that. 

Is there any solution to the problem?  Please let me know.

Thanks in advance and regards

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