I have been receiving "Practical Photography" (British magazine) for more than two 
years and I have the distict feeling that this is heavily a Canon biased magazine. The 
final words of the article in question are typical. One can see that in a number of 
situations - in comparisons (Nikon ususally is in an unfavourable position - model 
selection, prize, or something else), N/F70 is undenyably rejected because the LCD etc 
is unmanageable, the advice they give to letters and questions is usually a Canon 
EOSxx and so on. Until last year the USIS library was receiving the American "Popular 
Photography" but they stopped because of budget constaints although the shelves are 
full of (you can fill in the word for me).
For a long time I have been a passive reader of the Digest because I am an amateur and 
I have always tried to look for the advice of the contributors whose experience I take 
for granted to be by far mote than mine. Many of the are professionals for whom 
photography is not just a passion but a source of earning. Sometimes however some of 
them speak so haughtily about everything which has a more moderate price or a plastic 
part(s), or small aperture that we, amateurs, start having a complex of inferiority. I 
for instance, came from Canon and to me at the beginning everything Nikon was just 
Nikon. Only reading the digest and sometimes the views expressed were quite offensive 
I understood the different layers of specification and approach to this or that item. 
But if we agree that today Nikon is not only for professionals but has extended a 
welcoming hand to the amateurs as well, we have to admit that there must be a level of 
technology compatible with their status. All I ask is t!
he knowledgeable to speak about cheaper in specification and price items calmly and 
authoratively but without offensive labeling. We are all dedicated to our chosen 
brand. From this point of view the Nikon-Canon dispute is just baseless. Some of the 
messages in the digest looked as if the authors are campaigning for a Nikon political 
party. I don't think we need that. There is no need also for envy or jealosy towards 
achievements of other camera companies. Actually to think that only Nikon embodies the 
photo camera progress is childish. In any case my primary concern is to master what I 
have (F70 and some good and some "bad" lenses) and not to look over my shoulder at 
what others have.  
George Mitev
Bulgarian Embassy
P.O.Box 3193
Accra, Ghana

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