Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 15:54:46 PST
From: Michael Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Moose and the N90s [v04.n276/20] [v04.n281/3]
Message: 3

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 11:53:00 -0800 (PST) Stanley McManus wrote:

> Anybody who thinks Moose Peterson will automatically endorse any Nikon

> product should read his recent  e-mail message about the N90s.  In
> short, he says that he doesn't like the camera and wishes it would go
> away.

Being a conspiracy theorist, imagine for a moment that one's
pocket is being populated by Nikon; then an e-mail decrying
the N90s could be designed to turn those who respect that
person's opinion off it and towards the F100, thus increasing
sales for your sponsor.

Like I said, just theorising.

Sorry, I don't have that much imagination.  Canon is the company that
makes pro photographers deals that they can't refuse.

As for me, I like my N90S and don't intend to sell it anytime soon.


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