Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 08:06:48 -0200
From: "Nelson Kao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Advices on some lenses and filters [v04.n139/31]
I expect that the 105mm will be very useful for portraits and for some
works when I have the chance to travel through our tropical nature. Is
lens difficult to work handheld in macro mode?
It could easily be hard to keep still.  When in doubt, use the tripod.
Do I need special exposure adjustments when in macro?
Is the SB26 useful in macrophotography or do I
need a special speedlight? Any trick to focus more easily despites the
low depth of field?
The SB26 is certainly not at easy to setup as the SB21 ringlight.  You
need to test the combination to answer this question.
Use the autofocus to get close to the proper distance.  You may need to
measure the distance.  The depth of field is extremely small no matter
what the stop is.
I have some doubts, also.
Do the 24mm vignette if i use together L37c and a polariser filter?
Look through the viewfinder to check.  In all likelihood, you will see
some edge falloff.
Do I need to buy slim filters? If the answer is "yes", I'm afraid it
will be a
little difficult to find them here in Brazil.
Try the Nikon filters and don't use both the L37c and the polariser
together.  The L37c may not be needed anyway.


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