>I have some doubts, also.
>Do the 24mm vignette if i use together L37c and a polariser filter? Do
>need to buy slim filters? If the answer is "yes", I'm afraid it will be
>little difficult to find them here in Brazil. In our market I have
>seen B+W filters, for example. The most common filters here are the
>Cokin and Hoya, the last one being imported by the local Nikon's sole

Hi Nelson.

I own this lens and use it in combination with the L37c filter
and a B+W 62mm polariser + a 62mm->52mm ring ( I have
also a 85 f1.8 which is a 62mm lens). I have never observed
vignetting with this combination.

Hope this help.


 F. Javier Heredia                 :
 Statistics and Op. Research Dept. : e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya    : phone. : +34-3-401-73-35
 FME. Edifici U, Campus Sud        : FAX    : +34-3-401-58-55
 c. Pau Gargallo 5,                :
 08071 Barcelona. Spain            :

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