I've got a lense question for the
panel. I shoot people, some of them
not the way I'd like ;)  . I've got
a N70 with a Tamron 28-80, and a
80-210. I use the 28 for distorted
views and the 80-210 at 105 for
"normal" views.  I'm looking for
more of a fish-eye look without the
fish-eye cost.  Would a 20 or 24 be
good for this? Any suggestions for
non-Nikon lenses? Budget
restrictions prevent me from
spending a mint. What about
macro/micro lenses for close-up-see
every pore & wrinkle kind of arty
B&W photography.

Pardon My Ignorance & Thanks,
Mike Moore

P.S. If anyone would like to donate
an F5 or N90s to a starving artist,
I'll name my first born after you.

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