
        I know I have read on the ND of some people trying to use the 
        N90s+MB10 on a tripod and reporting MUCH better stability once 
        the MB10 is removed.

        I have a gut feeling it's gonna be the same with the new 
        F100/MB15 combo.  Just look at the picture on Moose's site!! 
        (  You can even see a gap 
        along the back edge between the camera and the booster.  

        Just imaging the torqe w/ that 28-70/.8D hanging off the front
        in a stiff wind!

The mindless and ungrateful                    | Chris Somers
go to sleep                                    | Rise Technology
so they can rise fully rested                  |
and spiritually impoverished.  (Tim Cahill)    +-----------------------------
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